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Sunday Diary

EXAMS, EXAMS, EXAMS! | Sunday Diary


Hello, lovely readers!

It seems like a long time since I sat down and wrote a blog post; things have been quite manic around here! I thought I’d catch you up on all that I’ve been up to in this post and hopefully fill you in.

What I’ve Been Up To

It’s exam season at the moment, so of course my brain is floating around in a world of revision and my hands are aching from writing constantly for hours. At the time of writing this, I have 13 exams left to go and have done 7 – I feel like I’m actually making a dent in them now! I can’t wait to finish, but I only have a month left now. I’m sure it will go quickly! Good luck to everyone else doing exams at the moment!

I also had my last day at school on Thursday. It’s crazy to think it’s all coming to an end, but it’s nice to be on study leave now and have more time to revise (and read. Did you think I wouldn’t take advantage of the extra reading time?)

One of my favourite things at the moment is ICE CREAM. I cannot get enough of it! How can you resist when it looks like this anyway..?

What I’ve Been Reading

Mainly, lots of revision guides. Being so all over the place with exams has meant that I’ve hit a tiny reading slump and am reading about fifty books at once, which is never helpful. However, there are a few books I’ve been enjoying:

  • Girl Up by Laura Bates, which is a great feminist read for teens. I’ll be doing a full review once I’ve finished it because I’ve loved it so much. Highly recommended from me!
  • Outlander by Diana Gabaldon – I’ve been meaning to read it for YEARS but picked it up on a whim last night and I am hooked. I’ll hopefully finish this over the summer!
  • Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf – I have no idea when I’ll finish this, even though it’s very good and I’m liking it, but it’s not one of my priorities at the moment. It’s the kind of book that takes ages to read just one page and that isn’t helping with my reading slump at the moment!

How has your week been? Are you reading anything good at the moment? Let me know by leaving some love in the comments!