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simone elkeles

Book Haul

Stacking the Shelves (14)



Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! It is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

I’m actually very pleased this week because I didn’t get many books! I know that sounds crazy but I think it’s the first week in ages I haven’t bought anything.

Review Books

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All the Truth That’s in Me by Julie Berry- I’ve already read this one and really enjoyed it. Review coming soon! Thank you, Templar!

The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau- I’m currently reading this and it’s a bit iffy. I love the cover, though! Thank you, Templar!


To review:

Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles- This sounds so good and I haven’t read anything by Simone Elkeles. I’m looking forward to starting it. Thank you, Bloomsbury!

Resist by Sarah Crossan- I let out a little squee when I got the email to say I’d been accepted to review this. I enjoyed Breathe and really want to know what happens next. Thank you, Bloomsbury!

What did YOU get this week?