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andy robb


Bath Kids Lit Fest 2013

Last week it was Bath Children’s Literature Festival, or Bath Kids Lit Fest, and, being lucky enough to live very close to it, I spent most of the week there.

The first day that I attended was Sunday and, before any of my events, I met up with Georgia from Books and Writers JNR and we spent nearly 45 minutes in Waterstones Bath (I love their YA section!). I bought The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater whilst Georgia bought Shipwrecked by Siobhan Curham. It was so nice to meet her, as we’ve spoken for quite a while now on Twitter and she’s always come across as really lovely – and she was!

The first event I went to was one with Karen Saunders and Mark Lowery. I briefly met Karen back in June so it was really nice to speak to her again, and I loved hearing about Mark’s book as it sounded so funny. I’m really

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hoping I’ll be able to read it soon because I loved the parts he read out to us.

The other event in the evening was with David Levithan and I was really looking forward to it. I’d read Every Day a few weeks earlier in preparation and loved it. I met the lovely Charlie at the event who I’ve recently started talking to on Twitter after we both won copies of Every Day. Serendipity! It was really nice to hear David speak and read from Every Day. Afterwards, I got my books signed but accidently left Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares at home, which I was kicking myself for afterwards.

Monday night meant getting the chance to interview Holly Smale and Andy Robb before their event. Their event was the one I was looking forward to the most and I wasn’t disappointed at all. At the event, I also got to meet Jesse from Books 4 Teens and Katie who vlogs at kitkatscanread. I also got to hang out with Anya from An Awful Lot of Reading who is such a great person and we live very, very close to each other so the blogging vibes are obviously travelling our estate.

After a much needed rest on Tuesday and Wednesday, I got to interview Tanya Byrne on Thursday. I loved Heart-Shaped Bruise and she was such a lovely person too. I also got to meet Blondie at this event, who I’ve met again at another event too. She’s such an awesome person (you can see her talking at the end of the Tanya Byrne interview, with her brilliant hat)!

Friday meant an event with Malorie Blackman, which I went to with Becky. It was interesting to hear Malorie talk, especially as her plans for the UKYA conference had just been announced. The signing afterwards was so long and we were right at the back too. 🙁

Saturday was another crazy day. In the morning I went to a writing workshop with Siobhan Curham who was so lovely. I got to meet Sophie from A DayDreamer’s World which was nice. The workshop had a lot of stuff about blogging in it and I loved hearing about other peoples ideas for their own blogs. I really wish I had been to something like the workshop when I had just started blogging. After the workshop I stopped for lunch at Patisserie Valerie, which is heaven in a cake shop. I never thought I’d say it, but I couldn’t finish my cake. The next event was one with Alexia Casale and Janne Teller which I was very excited for. I got to meet Katerina briefly before the event when I was hanging around the production room upstairs. I really hope we’ll be able to meet again in the future now that she lives near, because she was so lovely, and I love talking to her on Twitter. I also met Marieke who is such an awesome person and it was so nice to meet her in person. I got to interview Alexia and, let me tell you, she is one of the loveliest people I have ever met and am ever likely to meet. I was blown away

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by her kindness, and she was just amazing to meet. You all need to meet her!

Sunday was such a hectic day, but it was definitely the best out of the whole festival. After getting off to a rough start when one of the attendants made me sit right at the back, even though I had a ticket and was at the venue first, and after nearly falling down a massive drop, things turned awesome. I got to meet Debbie, Faye and Daphne, and see Katie again for the event with Sarah J. Maas. I’m a massive fan of the Throne of Glass books so it was great to hear Sarah talk. The signing queue was massive and we were sadly right at the end, which meant a mad rush to the Patrick Ness event right after. Daphne, having already met Sarah previously, saved us seats at the venue of the Patrick Ness event, but the rest of us still had to manically run across lots of streets, which caused lots of squeals and mad dashing. It’s something that I will always remember, and I really hope I get to meet these girls in the future because they’re just the best. Despite turning up late, we finally made it to the Patrick Ness event which was awesome and quite funny/weird at times. It’s one of those events that’s memorable because it had some very odd moments. Daphne sprinted to the signing queue so we were right up the front and I even have a special signed copy of More Than This, because Patrick signed it in the wrong place. That’s my claim to fame!

Bath Kids Lit Fest was so much fun and, writing this post, I realise how much I miss it. I met some incredible people and experienced so many amazing things. I need to send a million thank yous to Sarah, who made things extra special. She’s one of the awesomest people I know, so go follow her on Twitter if you don’t already! You’re really missing out! I also need to thank my parents for lugging me around everywhere. Also, thanks to my mum who finally worked out how to use the camera. No, Mum, you’re pressing the off button, not the button to take a picture….

Thank you to EVERYONE who was involved in the festival! I’m really hoping to see more of you at the festival next year! 😀

Blog Tour UKYA Uncategorized

UKYA BLOG TOUR: Interview with Andy Robb, Author of the Geekhood Books


Hey everyone! As part of the UKYA blog tour, I have Andy Robb on the blog today! I’m a huge fan of his Geekhood books and I’ve been lucky enough to meet him. You can see another one of my interviews with him and Holly Smale HERE.


1.  Hi Andy! Welcome to Queen of Contemporary! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your novels to begin with?


Hi to you – and thanks for having me aboard. I’m Andy Robb and I spent most of my adult life working as an actor; another form of telling stories. When you are an actor, a lot of your time is spent unemployed so you find other jobs to fill in the gaps. I scan cook a bit and found myself working as a chef on a film set, where I met the writer of the film – an author called Alex Garland. At that time, I’d started writing and asked him for some advice. To cut a long story short, he referred me to his agent, who now represents me.

So far, I’ve written two of the Geekhood books. They’re about a self-confessed Geek, Archie, and his mates. Although they’ve been described as funny books, I’ve tried to cover some serious topics in them – humour’s a good way of getting those points across without getting too heavy. So far, I’ve been told that the books are a romance, given that they chart Archie’s Geeky attempts to win a girl, and that they’re a bromance, because the focus is on how Archie and his mates support each other through difficult times. But they’re definitely written about – and for – Geeks!

 2.     What would you say to people who use ‘geek’ or ‘nerd’ as a derogatory term?

 I think I’d say what Matt says in Geekhood: Close Encounters of the Girl Kind:

“Everyone’s a Geek of some sort. Football, films, music – it doesn’t matter what the interest is; if you’re fascinated by it, then you’re a Geek. Simple as that. In fact, the people who are the best at what they do are all Geeks. Scientists, sportsmen, actors, musicians – the best ones are Super-Geeks; they’ve turned their obsession into a career, doing things they love. What’s wrong with that? ”

In fact, there’s a movement online, spearheaded by Stephen Fry, to change the definition of the word and remove all the connotations that suggest social ineptitude and focus on the passion for a chosen subject.

In my humble opinion,Geeks are those who can see beauty where others can’t and want to explore it.


3.     Can you name a few of your favourite UKYA novels?


So many to choose from! But I’m a huge fan of the Mortal Engines books, by Philip Reeve; they’re works of genius. I also love the Bartimaeus books by Jonathon Stroud. And one from my youth: The Borribles by Michael de Larrabeiti. 

4. Has your writing process varied with each novel you’ve written, or do you have particular habits that you’ve always stuck to?

 Music plays a huge part in the way I write; it can really take you back to a specific time and place. Geekhood: CEoTGK was written with Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds on repeat and Geekhood: Mission Improbable was written against Deacon Blue’s Raintown. I don’t have any real habits other than that; just open the laptop, give my head a scratch and go! I probably ought to do a bit more plotting, but I enjoy the discovery side of things; chasing an idea that comes to you and seeing where you end up.

 4.     Apart from the writing, what is your favourite thing about being an author?


I’m loving the whole festivals thing; you get to turn up, meet nice people and talk to people about what you’ve written. School visits tick the same boxes. I suppose what I really enjoy, though, is meeting other authors and bloggers. So far, all the authors I’ve met have been impossibly nice people and it’s fun to chat about what they’re doing. It helps if you’re a fan, too; I’ve met Philip Reeve a few times now and I still can’t believe it! And the bloggers I’ve met have been wonderful, humbling lunatics; they’re support has been overwhelming.


6. What’s next for you?

 I’m two-thirds of the way through my next book. It’s not Geekhood – I’m waiting for that to be signed-off – but it’s going well at the moment. There’s also a secret Geekhood something bubbling away, but I’ll let everyone know about it as it comes together.


Thanks for having me on this fabulous tour – hope I didn’t waffle too much. It is a problem of mine…

Book Haul

Letterbox Love (19)

Letterbox Love


Letterbox Love is a UK based feature where book bloggers showcase the books that they received that week, be they e-books, paperbacks, hardbacks or any other format. It is hosted by Lynsey from Narratively Speaking.

This is a manic, packed haul today from last week which was Bath Kids Lit Fest. I’ve tried to put piles into some order, so I hope it’s clear!


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Noughts and Crosses and Checkmate by Malorie Blackman – I still need to read Checkmate but I loved Noughts and Crosses. I read it when I was just starting to seriously get into YA and so it means quite a lot to me.

Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas- You can read my review of Crown of Midnight here.

The Knife of Never Letting Go and More Than This by Patrick Ness – I still need to read TKoNLG but I loved More Than This.

Noble Conflict by Malorie Blackman- Am hoping to read this one in the next few weeks.

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Geek Girl and Geek Girl: Model Misfit by Holly Smale – Two of my favourite books!

Geekhood: Close Encounters of the Girl Kind by Andy Robb

Me, Suzy P by Karen Saunders

Finding Cherokee Brown by Siobhan Curham

Every Day by David Levithan

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan & John Green

Follow Me Down by Tanya Byrne


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The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater – I LOVED The Raven Boys and am really looking forward to starting it.

Geekhood: Mission Improbable by Andy Robb – Can’t wait to read this one!


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Witch Crag by Kate Cann- UKYA! Big thanks to Anya for this!

She Is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgwick – More UKYA!

Gloss by Marilyn Kaye- I’ve been wanting to read this for AGES. Thank you to Georgia for this and the above! You’re fab!

The Day I Met Suzie by Chris Higgins- I’ve loved a lot of Chris Higgins’ books so am looking forward to this. Thank you, Sophie!

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Bringing the Summer by Julia Green – Thank you, Faye!

Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch — Thank you to Debbie for these three!

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Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

Marked, Betrayed, Chosen and Untamed by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast — Thank you to Katie for all of these!

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World After by Susan Ee- Eee! Thank you, Sophie!

What did you get this week?

Book Haul Uncategorized

Stacking the Shelves (16)- The Bath Kids Lit Fest Edition


Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! It is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

This week I have decided to film a vlog!


Books mentioned:

Me, Suzy P by Karen Saunders

Geekhood: Close Encounters of the Girl Kind by Andy Robb

Downside Up by Hayley Long

Kite Spirit by Sita Brahmachari

The Bone Dragon by Alexia Casale

More Than This by Patrick Ness

Follow Me Down by Tanya Byrne

Noble Conflict by Malorie Blackman

Cruel Summer by James Dawson

Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano

The Oathbreaker’s Shadow by Amy McCulloch

I also got Because It Is My Blood by Gabrielle Zevin but must have edited that part out without realising. Thank you, Macmillan Childrens Books!

What did you get this week? Link me to your own posts below!