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The Paper & Hearts Society

Revealing the cover of The Paper & Hearts Society!

It’s time for a Friday treat! I am SO HAPPY that I finally get to share the cover of The Paper & Hearts Society, my debut novel out in June, with you all.

Honestly, I must admit that I cried as soon as I saw it. It’s everything I could have hoped for and more, and I have wasted many a day staring at it when I should have been working.

So would you like to see it?!

Are you ready?

Are you sure?!

Here we go… I give you, The Paper & Hearts Society!


The cover was designed by Alison Padley from Hachette Children’s Group, who has done an amazing job of bringing Tabby, my main character to life.

I love everything about it – but especially the gorgeous Paper & Hearts logo, the BOOKS under the ‘O’ in my name, and the mini Paper & Hearts Society book that Tabby is reading!

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What’s it about?

Tabby Brown is tired of trying to fit in. She doesn’t want to go to parties – in fact, she would much rather snuggle up on the sofa with her favourite book.

It’s like she hasn’t found her people …

But Tabby joins a book club that promises to celebrate books. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING. Why did she think she could make friends with a group of strangers while experiencing AWKWARD BUZZING all over her body?!

But Olivia, Cassie, Henry and Ed have something that makes Tabby come back. Maybe it’s the Jane Austen themed dance parties, Ed’s fluffy cat Mrs Simpkins or, could it just be Henry himself …

Can Tabby let her weird out AND live THE BEST BOOKISH LIFE POSSIBLE?


Questions you may have!

When – and where – is it going to be published?

The Paper & Hearts Society will be released on 13th June 2019 in paperback and eBook in the UK and Ireland, and the 11th June 2019 in Australia.

I can’t promise anywhere else for now, but if you are living somewhere other than the UK/Australia and would like to read it in English, you can order it on The Book Depository who offer free worldwide shipping to lots of international countries!

I’m a blogger/reviewer/Official Book Person, how can I receive a proof copy?

Proofs are going to be available reaallyyy soon (which is very scary!!), and the best way to get your hands on one is by contacting the lovely people at Team BKMRK if you’re in the UK, who are handling everything to do with proofs.

How do I know if The Paper & Hearts Society is for me?

Officially, The Paper & Hearts Society is a book for teenagers, but I like to think that anyone can read it! Its main themes are friendship, fitting in, the perils of social media, and learning to believe in yourself. 

Will you be sharing anything else with us?

Yes! More announcements, news, and sneak peeks coming soon!

I hope you love the cover just as much as I do! What do you think?!