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Spring clean

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DIY: Rejuvenating Your Blog


It’s finally Spring, so the perfect time to sort your blog out and freshen it up for the rest of the year ahead! I always do a big spring clean every year, and today I wanted to show you how you can start by finding the direction you want your blog to go in.


What You Will Need:

– Plain Paper – I used 6 pieces of A4 paper and stuck them together, or you could use an A2 sheet of paper and it will work the same.

– Cello tape

– Pens – I used brightly coloured pens, like Sharpies, to make things stand out lots more.


I first started by sticking the A4 paper down in a 3×2 formation so that I had maximum space to write. The bigger the paper, the more you can splurge all of your ideas down on to it.

Then, once you’ve finished, turn the paper over and you’re ready to start writing!


The aim is to work out the fundamental parts of your blog – the skeleton, if you like. These will make up the main parts of your plan and allow you to brainstorm the smaller and more intricate parts.

I started by writing my blog name in the middle, and then chose the things I wanted to focus on. For me, it was: Content, YouTube, social media and features. Then I started to expand. When I expanded, I made sure I covered all the areas I thought were important.

For example, coming from social media, I included Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr because they’re the platforms I want to concentrate on this year. You could include what you want to post there, when you want to post it, how often you’re going to post. It really is up to you!


I found this worked really well from me to muster up some motivation and also to set myself on the right blogging path. I hope it works for you too!

Once I’d finished, I found myself having enough direction to sit down and focus on reaching the goals I’d set and it was easy to transfer certain points on to my computer and on to my blog.

If you’ve tried it out, tweet me @LucyTheReader because I’d love to see!

Will you be having a blog Spring Clean this year?


Bye bye, reviews!



After lots and lots of thought, I’ve decided that I’ll no longer be doing formal reviews on my blog. 

The thing is I really dislike writing reviews. I find them such a chore and they take me twice as long to write as any other post. Recently I’ve been going through a bit of a blogging and reading slump, so I’m in the process of having a major blog spring clean. I knew immediately that my blogging block was coming from the frustrating process I had to go through every single time I sat down to write a review.

Reviews are some of the least-liked posts in the blogosphere, but for some crazy reason we all feel obligated to write them. It’s as if you’re not a “real” blogger if you don’t write them. I want to try and break away from that thought.

So what does this mean?

You’ll be seeing lots more book recommendation posts and book-related discussions on the blog from now on and, hopefully, a lot more posts altogether! Although there may be an odd review popping up now and again, mostly I’ll be changing up a lot of the content that features on the blog. I’m very excited about it!