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Lucy Recommends… [5] – YA Dystopia


Whilst I don’t always fall madly and deeply in love with dystopia, when I find an amazing book I love it passionately. These are just a few of the fantastic dystopia books that I’ve loved!

The Elites by Natasha Ngan – Incredibly diverse and engaging, The Elites is about a race of people who can’t bleed and when an Elite, Silver, is witness to, and fails to stop, the assassination of the president of Neo-Babel, a chain of events causes her to flee the city with her best friend, Butterfly, and find out what’s on the outside. I really enjoyed it!

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi – This trilogy mixes the modern with the primeval in an adventurous, thrilling story of a girl searching for her mother in unfamiliar territory. Along the way she meets Perry, a swoony member of a tribe in the world Aria knows nothing about. It’s one of my all-time favourite dystopian novels!

Blood Red Road by Moira Young – Blood Red Road is such a stand-out book because when you read it it’s impossible to put down. It was glued to my hands the whole time. It’s also written in such a unique and interesting style!

ACID by Emma Pass – Wow! I LOVED this book! It’s set in a futuristic Britain, about the only female prisoner in a prison for killing her parents. IT IS AMAZING!

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi – THIS. BOOK. IS. MY. FAVOURITE! Tahereh Mafi is an author Goddess and I’ve written an entire Lucy Recommends… on this trilogy, so you can check that out, if you’d like to! 

What are your favourite YA dystopian novels?


My Top Ten Books of 2013

2013 must hereby be known as ‘The Year of Amazing Books.’ Seriously, in 2013 I read so many books that blew me away. I only started getting into YA in 2012 so I’ve been catching up on lots of the books I missed and there were so many releases of brilliant books too.

Below is a list of my top 10 books of 2013 and my reasons for them being my favourites. I haven’t included sequels or re-reads in my list.

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My favourite book of the year by far is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I just can’t get over the total gorgeousness of this book and no matter how much I rave about it, I still can’t convey my thoughts properly. It’s now my all time favourite book and Rainbow Rowell is one of my favourite authors. I have so much love for this book! The Isobel Journal by Isobel Harrop is a book that took me by complete surprise. I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did and I’m extremely jealous of Isobel Harrop’s artistry. This is a book that’s perfect if you’re in a bit of a reading slump or you want to try something a bit different. Then we have Every Day by David Levithan. I love books that make you question the world around you and give you something to think about and Every Day did just that. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi really blew me away. It’s another book I didn’t expect to like as much, but it’s one of my favourite dystopia novels now. I like how it’s written in a different style to typical novels and the sequel, Unravel Me, is even better. The final book is Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas which may be one of my favourite fantasy novels. The world Sarah J. Maas has created is so creative and unique.

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More Than This by Patrick Ness is another book that really makes you question the world around you. I didn’t know much about it beforehand but it ended up knocking me out with its awesomeness. Yes, 2013 was the year I finally read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling and I ended up loving it. I can definitely see what all the fuss is about. Then we have Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi which is a very different dystopia novel. It’s set a long way into the future so the whole world was different and it’s the type of novel I can’t help but love. Paper Towns by John Green really sealed the deal in me loving John Green’s books so much. After loving The Fault in Our Stars in 2012, I couldn’t not love Paper Towns. Finally we have The Host by Stephenie Meyer. After liking but not loving the Twilight series, this book was a really big surprise. My friend was hassling me to read it for ages and when I finally did, I fell in love with it. SO good!

So those were my favourite books of the year! There were so many to choose from and I’ve still missed so many out.

Let me know your favourite books of the year! Have you read any of the books I mentioned? What did you think of them?


Book Spine Poetry

I’ve decided to have a go at book spine poetry. I did it on a bit of a whim so both examples aren’t perfect, but I’m actually quite pleased with the result.

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Under the Never Sky,

Blood Red Road,




Beautiful Disaster,

The Killing Woods.

The idea behind this one was an abandoned road with nothing living there: no animals, no people, nothing.

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Before I Die

City of Bones

Hush, Hush.

I wasn’t so sure about this one but think the feel is right. It’s darker and more mysterious and leaves a bit more up to the imagination.

Have you had a go at book spine poetry?