With the rise of The Hunger Games and Twilight we have all had our taste of Vampire and Dystopian novels. But what are my book trend predictions for the upcoming year?
Since the release of The Hunger Games early in 2012 I have noticed a boom in Dystopian novels. I’ve loved a lot of these (Breathe, Divergent etc.) but is there a limit? It seems that a lot of these books are covering the same topics and same plot lines now and so I’m looking forward to reading something else.
There are some major book adaptions hitting the big screen this year and I am really looking forward to walking in to my English class and seeing people reading these.
Most of these movies are fantasy based and I am going to be pleased to see something other than the dark Vampire covers in bookshops. With Beautiful Creatures being released next month I think that we will be seeing a lot more paranormal type books. We also have The Host movie which will also see a rise.
Downton Abbey is huge all around the world and so I think that this may increase the number of historical novels out there. I’ve already seen quite a few pop up. Personally, I think that this is a good thing as I’m a massive historical fiction geek!
What do you think? Are there any book trends that you would like to see?
Sharrice Hewlett
23 January, 2013 at 3:45 amTotally agree with you there. When Twilight was on the rise I saw a jump in vampire books being released and read. In high school when Hunger Games first came out my teacher was a huge fan and that’s how I read those. Then she introduced me to all different kinds of dystopian novels and I’ve seen a rise in them ever since. Seems like werewolves have been left out a bit in the movie category along with fairies. I am super excited to see The Host and Beautiful Creature come to life on the big screen and I hope that their fame will bring more popularity to the type of books they are. Great post! 8)
23 January, 2013 at 3:31 pmI think it is all about trends, I mean if a lot of people like a certain movie adaptation, then of course the sales in that book will go up. I work in a bookshop and we’ve noticed that many more people were asking for The Paradise, Life of Pi, Anna Karenia and The Hobbit as soon as the movie came and became popular.
The same is when trends. I think we can all agree that the making of the Twilight films sparked a huge burst in authors writing vampire centred books, traditional vampire books like Dracula becoming popular and of course, the whole love triangle in lots of books, other than supernatural.
Like you say (and I’ve noticed it too), dystopian is becoming one of the biggest genres around and it has to be said that is probably because of the popularity of the Hunger Games books and now the movies. Books like The Mortal Instruments and Beautiful Creatures are similar to the Hunger Games and have a similar target audience and therefore, film makers have to go with what the people, us, are interested in.
I hope there are more books like Downton Abbey, it will be nice to see but then, those kind of books could ruin the programme in some ways. I know some people who loved the books of Twilight started to dislike the whole love triangle vampire thing as soon as every jumped on the band wagon.
This is such a good discussion Lucy, interesting to think about!
23 January, 2013 at 5:57 pmGreat post – definitely think the Downton thing is interesting to consider. I actually wrote a post the other day about my predictions for 2013 trends so it’ll be interesting to see which we agree on :).x
23 January, 2013 at 7:45 pmI think Contemporary will be really popular this year! But I’m so excited for Beautiful Creatures! Yet, I still think Dystopia will continue to rule the shelves-Divergent(movie) is out this time next year so they will continue to be popular. WOOOO! Go Casters!!
Zoe Crook
24 January, 2013 at 7:14 pmFantastic discussion, Lucy! I have never watched Downtown Abbey but I must do one day, my friends are always nagging me about it 😉 I am beginning to like history more and more now but my past experience with historical fiction hasn’t been very good :/ I really want to like it though! Any recommendations? 😛
In my opinion, I LUUUUUVVVEEE dystopians and each book I’ve read is quite different it its own way. However, I know what you mean about looking for something new. I’m glad the vampire trend has almost gone now to be honest.. I’m not the biggest fan of Twilight. I am hoping the next craze with be something cool like ninjas… ;D
Thanks for posting 🙂
25 January, 2013 at 6:50 pmSorry jumping in!
You’ve never watched Downton Abbey!? Ah, you must must MUST do one day – the BEST programme I ever seen. My friend isn’t a big history fan either but he loves it. It’s not all about the history in it, it’s about the secrets, lies, going-ons and hierarchy. IT’S SO GOOD.
Rebekah Campbell
24 January, 2013 at 7:32 pmAwesome post! I think the movie trends will be Dystopian- based but in the book world, I’d like to see more Mythology 🙂
There seems to be quite a lot of fairy tale retellings too which look brilliant!
26 January, 2013 at 5:24 amI’ve seen a lot of Downton Abbey/historical books too. I’ve also seen several upcoming books set in space! I’d love to see more mysteries. 🙂
Alice @ Alice in Readerland