
REVIEW: Adorkable by Sarra Manning

Welcome to the dorkside. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Jeane Smith’s a blogger, a dreamer, a jumble sale queen, CEO of her own lifestyle brand, and has half a million followers on Twitter. Michael Lee’s a star of school, stage, and playing field. A golden boy in a Jack Wills hoodie. They have nothing in common but a pair of cheating exes.

So why can’t they stop making out? This novel is about an unlikely relationship, but it’s also about roller derby, dogs on skateboards, dogs on surfboards, dogs doing any form of extreme sport, old skool hip hop, riding your bike downhill really fast, riot grrrl, those boys you want to kiss but punch in the face at the same time, dyeing your hair ridiculous colors just because you can, stitch ‘n’ bitch, the songs that make you dance, the songs that make you cry, being a bad ass, cake, love, death, and everything in between.

I mainly picked up Adorkable because it said that the main character was a blogger. I thought that it might be interesting and it was contemporary as well, which is a major bonus. Adorkable was more than that, though. It’s a novel about identity and self confidence but also about living your life and not worrying what other people think of you.

Jeane, our female protagonist, is a blogger, owner of her own brand, and major Twitter addict. She made me laugh, and she also made me want to throw stuff in rage. That’s a good thing, by they way. I was pleased that I felt such emotions because some characters make me want to eat cardboard. Seriously. She had this really amazing sense of humour and I’m sure that I’ll be using some of her lines in the future!

So maybe Michael Lee wasn’t one of my favourite love interests, but does it really matter? I was really surprised when I saw that some chapters were written from his perspective but this was actually something I was glad of because if the whole novel was written in Jeane’s point of view then I may have had to hit my head repeatedly on a table. She can be a little bit too much sometimes!

The other characters were really great too and I really wanted to slap Heidi. Scarlett and Barney were sweet too and I had a cuteness overload every time Alice and Melly were in a scene!

I really liked the plot ideas and it kept me reading throughout. There were some scenes where I felt a little uncomfortable and there was also a lot of sexual references but the book’s general awesomeness and dorkiness really made up for this.

I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to read other books by Sarra Manning! Is there an Adorkable fandom because I am totally joining it if there is?! And finally: Adorkable for life!


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  • Reply
    16 January, 2013 at 2:43 am

    I’m glad you really loved this one! I saw a review of this earlier it sounds SUPER cute! And I love blogger characters they make me SO happy! 😀

  • Reply
    Rebekah Campbell
    16 January, 2013 at 11:39 am

    Desperately waiting for my library to say this one is ready to pick up!
    Awesome review, Lucy 🙂 “Make me want to eat cardboard”? You’re so random haha

  • Reply
    16 January, 2013 at 12:24 pm

    Great review! I’ve been thinking of reading this book for a while 🙂 like you I thought a book about a blogger sounded interesting! I’ll definitely bump it up the to-read list 🙂

    Sarah @ TotalTeenFiction

  • Reply
    18 January, 2013 at 4:22 pm

    OMG I LOVE YOUR NEW DESIGN SO MUCH IT IS SO GORGEOUS AAAHH!! Seriously, though, it is so beautiful!! <3 <3

    Yeah, I loved Adorkable too! I loved Jean’s quirkiness and thought she was quite a funny, inspiring character! Have you read any of Sarra Manning’s other books? She writes great contemporaries. I loved Let’s Get Lost by her! 😀

  • Reply
    Zoe Crook
    19 January, 2013 at 5:52 pm

    Fantastic review, as always, Lucy! I have this on my TBR pile and it sounds … well, adorable 😉 AND IT IS ABOUT BLOGGING. I HAVE TO READ IT.

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