Book Review

MINI REVIEW: As Delightful as a Carrot by Keris Stainton

If you follow Keris Stainton on Twitter, you’ll have read her hilarious tweets about her two boys, so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on 50 pages full of these laugh-inducing quotes.

Immediately I knew I was going to have a problem: how was I going to stop myself laughing, especially when I was in a room with other people? Please, I urge you, only read this in the presence of people who won’t slap you if you talk or laugh too loud, because you’re going to want to share this book with the world.

After finishing, all I can say is that I want more. The only fault with the book was that I didn’t want it to stop, although I suppose that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’m really hoping there’ll be a sequel sometime in the future.

I must say sorry to my mother while I’m at it for laughing -and crying once or twice- when she was busy watching the TV and talking on the phone. Yes, that is just how funny this book is.

Finally, I must say that Keris and her husband, David, are raising two boys who they should be very proud of and who brought a massive smile to my face. Thank you to Harry and Joe for brightening up my day!

Book in a tweet: You MUST buy this right now. Seriously, what are you still doing here?

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  • Reply
    Maya @ The Book Nook
    4 November, 2013 at 8:37 am

    I’ve heard about this on Keris’s blog and wish I could buy it, but I don’t have an ereader! Boo. I’ll just have to follow her on twitter instead so I can get the quotes there. Fab review, Lucy!
    Maya @ The Book Nook recently posted…REVIEW: Fearsome Dreamer by Laure EveMy Profile

    • Reply
      4 November, 2013 at 8:45 am

      Thanks for the lovely review, Lucy. And thank you, Maya. Maybe you could try a Kindle app for your phone or computer? (I know novels aren’t easy to read on a computer screen, but ADAAC is more of a dip-in-and-out so shouldn’t be too bad.) 🙂
      Keris recently posted…Introducing Esme TaylorMy Profile

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    Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain
    8 November, 2013 at 7:50 pm

    I always need a good laugh in my life, and I really want to read this book now that you mentioned how much you were laughing at Keris’s sons’ quotes and perspective on life. *stalks Keris’s Twitter*

    Fantastic review, Lucy! Thanks for sharing and bringing this book to my attention!
    Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain recently posted…The Iron Traitor by Julie KagawaMy Profile

  • Reply
    23 November, 2013 at 11:33 am

    Oh my goodness. How did i not know about this?!
    Keris’ boy’s quotes are a highlight of twitter. I need this book.

  • Reply
    9 March, 2017 at 8:46 am

    Géraldine dit :Mon cher Oscar votre discours est partisan, faitepreuve d&;te9;intégrit&eacu03#.Il faudrait d'abord comparer les compétences surtout dans le nucléaire, on a pas le droit de se tromper, c'est trop importantpour prendre ce sujet avec tant de légèreté, je vous conseille d'aller sur Wilkipédia et decomparer entre Luc Oursel et Anne Lauvergeonvous allez déchanter c'est moi qui vous le dit!!!!

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