
I am not a book, I am a human being.

My name is Lucy, and I love books. I don’t hide it – most people know that I read and love doing it. I don’t want to keep it a secret because I’m not ashamed to admit it. The thing is, I’ve been having some thoughts lately and I wanted to share them with you.

Reading is seen as something nerds do. As a teenager currently stumbling her way through life, it can be quite weird to then have people mock you for something you’re supposed to love doing. I really don’t understand it.

Just because I like reading, though, doesn’t mean I’m exactly vocal about it. Something that seems to happen though is people feel as if they have to talk about books to start a conversation with me. It’s as if they think reading and books take up all of the space in my brain and I’m not capable of talking about anything else.

An example of this is, instead of asking how I am, some people will ask me what I’m currently reading. No, I don’t mind this (I love talking about books!) but it’s just a pointless conversation starter and most people aren’t even interested. If I can have a decent conversation about books with someone I don’t mind but it’s when it’s a one sided conversation with someone that doesn’t really care that I start to get annoyed.


Source : http://replygif.net/513

Another example is that I just happened to tell my friend I’d gone a bit mad one day (that lasted. I’m going through a bit of a phase where I’m crazy all the time) and someone overheard and mistook me for saying I was angry. They then replied, ‘Why? Did someone burn your books? Is that why you’re mad?’

FIRST OF ALL, burning books is serious business. SECOND OF ALL, please don’t butt in to conversations. FINALLY, SERIOUSLY?! That doesn’t even make any sense. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU WOULD SAY THAT.

However, when you have bookish conversations with someone who loved a book just as much as you did, that’s when I feel like loving books is kind of worth it. Bookish conversation is the awesomest when there is actually a CONVERSATION going on. I did get told I have a ‘book reviewer’ mode the other day though so I should probably reign back the inner fangirl. I do have a habit of fangirling a bit too much when I find someone to talk about books with.

grinning (1)

Do people do this with you too? How do you deal with it?

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  • Reply
    Samena Khan
    4 June, 2014 at 6:32 pm

    OMG preach sister preach!!! This happened to me at a job induction the other day where we had to introduce ourselves to each other. I happened to mention that my favourite thing to do was to read and then a person asked me “What is your favourite book?” WHAT, how am I supposed to narrow it down to ONE book, then they asked me what was the most recent thing that I read and I started gushing about Tigerlily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. Needless to say after about five seconds of me talking, they started at me blankly and uninterested whilst I practically reviewed the book to them. It’s so frustrating, why ask about it if you can’t hold a decent conversation about books. It’s like talking to a brick wall.

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    Lisa @ just another rabid reader
    4 June, 2014 at 7:44 pm

    I used to get that a lot in high school. Now, fifteen years later, I don’t get a lot of face time with a lot of people. But at least once a day, I will get a message on Facebook asking “what did you think about xx book.” People assume if it is out more than a day, I have read it. Drives me crazy.
    Lisa @ just another rabid reader recently posted…ARC Review: Dragons and Dreams: Bedtime Stories #MyNetGalleyMy Profile

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    sian roullier
    4 June, 2014 at 8:48 pm

    I don’t have anyone to talk to about books and no one ask me, but I do talk about them to my sister or nephew and they listen to me ramble on. But they really don’t understand

  • Reply
    Kit Berry
    4 June, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    People who read a lot have a deeper and wider understanding of life, the world and everything. They just know more! They feel things deeper. So others who don’t read, feel over-awed/threatened/nervous about this. The non-readers may try to use discussion of recently read books as an ice-breaker/conversation-starter, but can’t sustain this and certainly can’t converse about books themselves. But they’re trying to communicate so don’t blame them for that!

    Yes, like anyone with a passion for something, you do need to rein yourself in when speaking to non-passionate people. Just treat them to a little glimpse of the joy they’re missing by not reading loads – but don’t overwhelm them. Make it your mission to find a book for everyone – something that each person would enjoy, and then recommend it. When I taught in primary schools, I made it my mission to turn all my children into keen readers – you can do this if you find the right book for them.

    You’re a special person, Lucy – a passionate reader. You have more empathy than most people of your age because you’ve experienced more vicariously, through your extensive reading. You’ll just have to make allowances for the lesser mortals around you! Don’t let it get you down.

  • Reply
    5 June, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    Talking to non-readers, or even my parents, about the books I’ve recently read and loved is like talking to a wall. Luckily, I spent three years at uni studying English where all my friends read loads too so I just stuck with them :p

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    Jaden Boatnge (Booklol16)
    5 June, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    Hate people say some “‘wuld choce books or—” aslo book hater just don’t understand us,and am proud bookworm/fanboy and no one (AND MEAN NO ONE) will take it a way from me.
    Jaden Boatnge (Booklol16) recently posted…The goodreads tagMy Profile

  • Reply
    7 June, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    Ooh I totally get you here.

    Of course I love talking about books – well durr Ruby, you have a freakin BOOK. BLOG. – but books are not ALL I love talking about. I love YouTubers, music, art/craft and I’m interested in politics, feminism… etc. Yet a lot of people think that because I write about books on blog, that’s the only thing I’m capable of talking/writing about. :/ (Hope that doesn’t sound harsh! I know they say it with good intentions!).

    I think, what’s wonderful about having a book blogger penpal though, is that we actually rarely (if ever) write about books to each other… which is refreshing, I’d say. Although, you know, the occasional bookish reference is mandatory. ;D
    Ruby recently posted…Early June Book HaulMy Profile

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    Weekly Recap| June 1 – 7, 2014 | Oh, the Books!
    8 June, 2014 at 6:01 am

    […] Lucy shows how people treat her differently since she’s a book lover. […]

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    Rita @ Weaving Pages
    8 June, 2014 at 7:50 pm

    I FEEL YOU, LUCY. Ugh, people can be SO stereotypical and judgemental. Apparently, because I like to read and am good in lessons I am suddenly expected to be some sort of golden girl. I could rant all day about the fact that the last time I forgot my homework, there was a collective gasp from the room, and the second I get told off the WHOLE school knows about it. I am constantly forced to tell people that I’m not perfect, and that I don’t want to be. I enjoy being human and flawed.
    To be honest, I just ignore people and make them listen to me rant about my emotional attachments to characters. I’m glad though, that most people are great about the reading thing. I think the ocasional comment of ‘why do you read?’ comes up, but nothing to bad. *Touch Wood*
    Rita @ Weaving Pages recently posted…Bookish Events: Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees BrennanMy Profile

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