
On maturity levels, age and authenticity.

maturitylevelsageauthenticity.pngRecently, I got told that I sound very mature on my blog (to which I thought, ‘Do I not sound mature all the time?!) and, juxtaposed, I also got told to ‘turn up the maturity levels’ so I thought I would discuss the word ‘maturity’ today and exactly what it means to me.

I’ve written before about how age is important to me, but over the last few months I’ve realised that it’s not age I worry about: it’s maturity. The only time I’ll ever change my age is once a year on my birthday so there’s not a lot I can do about it, but maturity is a different thing altogether. Maturity is something that comes with time and I often, most likely wrongly, view as an achievement.

In my blog posts, I like to think I don’t come across as too stupid. My blog is the place where I can spew my inner thoughts – it’s slightly philosophical in places and I write in the same style in which I talk to myself in my head – my inner monologue, if you like. (that sounds like I’m a bit bonkers – I am!).

In comparison, my YouTube channel is full of ‘crazy me.’ I really am a tiny bit insane, and I like that I get to show this side of me. I love writing serious blog posts, but it’s also nice to show the other, more fun, side of me. On my YouTube channel, I really am exactly like I am if you were to meet me. Although edited, the videos are still me talking and being my usual self.

That doesn’t mean though that one – blog or YouTube channel – is more authentic than the other. I like to think that by doing both I’m showing my whole self rather than just one part. Obviously, there are parts of me that are hard to show through a screen, but I hope they’ll come across if you ever get to meet me. I am a real person, you know!

Going back to age and authenticity, recently I’ve been having lots of thoughts on my age. I’m a teenager reviewing teenage fiction and I don’t have a problem with that anymore. I think in accepting that I’ve been able to move on a lot in my blogging path and it’s given me a lot of confidence – confidence I needed.

I may be young, but that doesn’t make me any different. In many ways, I feel like my age has helped me along because I’ve had more time than lots of other people to learn and develop my blog.

I am a teenager, and if you have a problem with that then that’s fine, but it doesn’t make me any different. Age is just a number, and I’m glad I’ve finally realised that.

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  • Reply
    La La in the Lbrary
    18 July, 2014 at 6:42 am

    In blogging I think the maturity level shows in the level of pettiness sometimes, and I am not just talking about teenagers. I have been surprised many times to find out some bloggers are in there 20s, and one even in their 30s, because of their pettiness. Throwing full blown tantrums on Twitter because someone unfollowed them or had the nerve not to agree with a review on their blog. They also seem to have a higher “rant post” to review/interview/discussion post ratio. So I think you have a high level of blogging marurity from what I have seen so far. You are doing an excellent job! I can tell you this with confidence because I am 57 years old. 🙂
    La La in the Lbrary recently posted…TELL ME TuEsDaY #Seven…My Profile

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    Jon-Michael Todd
    18 July, 2014 at 12:40 pm

    Hi there! Found your blog through twitter in my never-ending pursuit to find other lovers of books, and I just wanted to say that I think you have the best outlook on maturity. I’m glad that you are so passionate about the YA world because I see so many “literary” people turn their nose down to it, which is sad actually shows their lack of maturity. I’ve read 3 “literary” novels this year and I’ve also read The Fault in Our Stars and We Were Liars this year and those “literary” novels don’t even begin to compare to the quality of those YA novels. Anyway, sorry if I ranted here, it just makes me happy and gives me hope to see someone so passionate about books and reading. Happy reading!

  • Reply
    18 July, 2014 at 3:08 pm

    I think it’s perfectly acceptable to be yourself and if yourself is a bit daft sometimes, you shouldn’t be afraid to show that. And yeah, you are more likely to see that on your YouTube channel so that’s that. I’m really glad you’ve come to accept this about your online persona 🙂 Carry on being your weird and wonderful self, Lucy!

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    Weekly Recap| Jul 13-19, 2014 | Oh, the Books!
    20 July, 2014 at 7:51 am

    […] Lucy discusses maturity levels, age, and authenticity. […]

  • Reply
    20 July, 2014 at 2:13 pm

    I remember when I first found your blog (AGES ago now!), I thought you were older than you were. But I think that was more because when I had been your age then, my posts were nowhere near as good! :3

    I’m also glad I started really young, because I also feel that I’ve had more time to develop!

    And it’s so much fun reading AND watching you! It really is like we’re seeing the whole you. And you’re obviously awesome. 😉
    Rachel recently posted…Series Thus Far… the Finishing School Books!My Profile

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    Thomas Turner
    21 July, 2014 at 9:53 am

    As a teenage reviewer, reviewing teenage fiction like your self, I completely agree with you! Age is just a number, maturity is what sets younger bloggers aside! Great blog and new follower 🙂

    Thomas Turner recently posted…Ready Player One ReviewMy Profile

  • Reply
    Thomas Turned
    21 July, 2014 at 10:00 am

    I have also seen the film twice, and really enjoyed it both times, perhaps even more so the second as the first time round!

    Great review! Am loving this of and definitely going to follow and give it a more thorough divulgence!

    I also reviewed the film on my blog:

    Thomas Turned recently posted…Ready Player One ReviewMy Profile

  • Reply
    21 July, 2014 at 11:22 am

    You’re totally right, Lucy – I think it is more important to be authentic and sincere and show the real you in things like blogs and Youtube videos, because that’s what makes them unique! It would be boring if we all tried to pretend to be someone we’re not! I love the authenticity of your voice both in your blog and on your Youtube channel – seriously, the thing that struck me about you when I met you at YALC (it was great to see you, by the way!!) was that you were just as lovely and friendly and bubbly as you come across online! 😀
    Catherine recently posted…The summer has begun!My Profile

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    Sophie Louise
    27 July, 2014 at 1:27 pm

    This post is fantastic, Lucy!

    I always worry about people thinking I’m not mature enough to write discussion posts or articles about certain topics because of my age! Your blog and YouTube videos are really authentic, and I hope mine are too! I try to sound like I know what I’m saying, but really, I never do!

    -Sophie 🙂
    Sophie Louise recently posted…What I’m Reading This Summer!My Profile

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