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Dear February… | 2016


Dear February,

You were a month of changes, decisions and growth. The promise of spring fills me with hope and I think I’ve begun to see your beauty for the first time, February. Usually you are a time for reflection and remembrance but your longer nights and lighter mornings have somehow captured my heart and the wind whispers sweet notes of the better things ahead. For spring is somehow better and you are in between, February; not quite winter but not yet ready for spring.

New life pops up, from tiny buds on trees to lambs leaping in fields filled with fresh grass and I watch as the cycle continues and we are only a tiny part of it. A minuscule grain of sand in an unfathomably vast Earth.

CcTTCXaWoAAsTtsI have fallen in deep, deep love with reading again, with reading for pleasure and enjoyment. I know that when I read I can switch off the tiny voice in my head that frets and worries too much, and I can become somebody else; it’s an adventure from the comfort of my own chair.

You have reminded me this month, February, not to take things for granted. Life is a cycle and I have seen both sides of it this month. It’s never easy to say goodbye to someone, even if they are only a beloved pet, but it does make it easier to know that life is continuing and will continue. It has put a smile on my face that remains even when you can’t quite see it, but I know it’s there. It makes me feel untouchable.

There is always a way to escape the labyrinth, February, and you have reminded me that we only have to find the right path. It may take time, but eventually you will get there.

I think I’m beginning to love you, February. Thank you.