The first one is Four from Divergent. Since reading Divergent it is safe to say that he has caused quite a few arguments between my friend and I. I really wish she would just admit that he’s mine! Four really is the perfect love interest.
Yul from the Stonewylde series by Kit Berry. My friend knows that he is mine, probably because I go on about him a bit too much. Yul is my literary husband and when I saw someone reading the book I just had to warn her to back off. I think she might think I’m a bit weird now!
All of the boys from Miranda Kenneally’s books. She really is the master of love interests. I particularly love Sam Henry, who is very funny.
Who are your favourite male YA characters?
14 February, 2013 at 1:36 pmPeeta Mellark from The Hunger Games, Ethan Wate from Beautiful Creatures and Callum(Small Blue Thing)
14 February, 2013 at 3:20 pmI haven’t read any of Miranda Kenneally’s books, but I’ve heard brilliant things! Four is definitely one of my favourite male characters too. He was actually one of the very first book boyfriends I had once I started to really get into YA. 🙂
Jess Hearts Books!
14 February, 2013 at 6:10 pmAugustus Waters! I really need to read Miranda Kenneally’s books I think I’d really enjoy them and Four is brilliant too 🙂
Rebekah Campbell
14 February, 2013 at 7:40 pmFourrr! From our fangirling on Twitter, I think it’s safe to say I’ll fight you for him 😛
14 February, 2013 at 9:51 pmI will go with anyone from Miranda Kenneally’s books anyday!
15 February, 2013 at 12:46 pmI’ve not read those books by Kit Berry, but I’ve seen you recommend them time and time again. Perhaps I’ll have a look out for the first book in the library.