I’m really not sure what to talk about this week! You may have noticed that I’ve changed the day that this feature is posted to a Saturday because otherwise it would interfere with my Letterbox Love post.
I might try and make these posts a recount of my week and make it personal because I really have nobody better to talk to it about, but I’m not quite sure!
Today, I’m just going to ramble on a bit and then at the end I’d love it if you could comment on what you would like to see from this feature because, really, I need the input.
My blogoversary is also coming up in April and I’m in need of people to help. If you would like to be a part of it then I would really appreciate it if you could email me as soon as possible so that I can put together some posts. My email can be found on the contact page.
I really can’t think of anything else to write right now so I’m just going to end this post because I can get incredibly boring sometimes!
Don’t forget to wear your geekery like a badge! ♥
Pink Lady 631
16 March, 2013 at 11:53 amCongratz on your Blogaversary, that’s an awesome milestone and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us. If there is anyway i can help, let me know. This meme reminded me that I so badly need to read Geek Girl! I read the first 7 chapters as a sample and immediately feel in love. Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 Maxon all the way!!!
Hilda K
16 March, 2013 at 1:06 pmAww, I’m sure that you could talk about anything! I have never met any book blogger who has boring personality, so no worries! 😉 Personal posts are always welcome – they feel like peeks into someone else’s life. Maybe you can write about the highlight of your week, or any movie you recently watched. Or basically anything haha. Sorry, I’m not much help here! >.< Frankly, I'd love to read anything you write! <3 I know that you're going to come up with something amazing, Lucy! 🙂
Zoe Crook
16 March, 2013 at 3:05 pmYay for your blogoversary! I’d love to take part in it, I’ll email you soon. 🙂 Don’t worry that you can’t think of anything of anything to talk about, Lucy! TO be honest, you could ramble about anything at all and I’ll still love it 🙂 Here are my ideas for the meme:
– Like Hilda suggested, some of your writing would be AMAZING to read!
– How reading is considered nerdy and boring
– Reasons why you’re proud to be a geek
– Your favourite geeky books
– How to survive school from the POV of a geek
If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know! Good luck 🙂