
Embracing My Inner Geek (10)

Embracing My Inner Geek is a featured hosted and created by me. It is a weekly feature aiming to talk about something a bit nerdy and ramblish and it’s really fun to do.

This week I’m going to be talking about fandoms. What are fandoms, I hear you say? (First, I must say that I don’t know where you’ve been if you don’t know what a fandom is.) A fandom is a big group of people (fans, hence the name ‘fandom’)  who basically (and I’m trying to find the right way to say this) fangirl over this particular thing and have devoted their lives to it. Okay, so maybe that’s a bit of an overstatement.

So, what fandoms do I consider myself a member of?

I made this myself 😉

The number one fandom that I follow and talk about all the time is The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices fandom. Basically, the Shadowhunter fandom. With the City of Bones movie coming out in August, @CityofMundies where I tweet all things Shadowhunter (shameless promotion, I know). I really love the community and, although I’ve only just started tweeting there again, I have over 400 followers.
this fandom is booming at the moment. I have a Twitter account

A lot of other big fandoms include the Harry Potter fandom, The Hunger Games fandom and the Twilight fandom. I’ve dropped by the Harry Potter fandom a few times but wouldn’t call myself an active member of that fandom. I’m just a Shadowhunter at heart!

Other non-book fandoms include the Doctor Who fandom, the Sherlock fandom and I’m pretty sure there’s a Downton Abbey fandom out there.

What fandoms do you belong to?

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  • Reply
    Ruby :)
    6 July, 2013 at 8:46 am

    Definitely the Harry Potter fandom… HUGE potterhead right here! :)) I’d also describe myself as a Shadowhunter, only really because of TID, and also a…


    I am completely and utterly obsessed with Sherlock… 😉

  • Reply
    6 July, 2013 at 11:47 am

    I’m not a fandom girl right now. I go through phases but I think Twilight was my last big obsession or maybe Hunger Games. I know that next month I’ll be crazy fangirling over TMI!

  • Reply
    Zoe Crook
    6 July, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    FANDOMS <3 I'm a dedicated Potterhead, Whovian, Tribute, Sherlockian and Nerdfighter. I'm also a Shadowhunter, but I've only read TID trilogy and 3/4 through City of Bones. I'll definitely be getting the rest of the series though 🙂 Great post!

  • Reply
    6 July, 2013 at 2:07 pm

    I am absolutely a Whovian. I have been in love with Doctor Who ever since I started watching it. I guess I’m something of a Shadowhunter too, since I love TMI and TID, and possibly a Potterhead. I’m not as dedicated to it as loads of other people, though, so maybe I don’t deserve the term. 😉 Thanks for sharing, Lucy!

  • Reply
    6 July, 2013 at 1:34 pm

    Oh, wow! I LOVE that meme!So relatable…

    I’m a potterhead, sherlockian, whovian, district twelve tribute, divergent, a semi-twihard, divergent, a partial, a zom-b, and I’m a bit of a Dickens Geek 😉

  • Reply
    6 July, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    I am a total Whovian and Potterhead 😀 Do not worry, we will welcome you to the Harry Potter fandom and not let you leave!

  • Reply
    Read. Write. Ramble.
    6 July, 2013 at 9:28 pm

    Harry Potter is definitely my number one fandom. Then it’s The Mortal Instruments (THE MALEC FEELS REALLY ARE RUINING MY LIFE). I also recently became a Doctor Who fan, and I started watching Sherlock, so I’m sure I’ll be a member of the Sherlock fandom in no time. 🙂
    I’m also in the Hunger Games and Divergent fandoms, and the Lizzie Bennet Diaries fandom. Wow, I’m in a lot of fandoms!

  • Reply
    Jess Hearts Books!
    7 July, 2013 at 6:28 pm

    Proud Potterhead here! The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices and Vampire Academy are my next big ones after.

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