Hello, everyone!
You may have noticed my blog has been down for the past few days and I’ve been feeling as if I’ve lost a limb – I haven’t even been able to access my dashboard to write posts, which has been horrible. I’ve been itching to write! My blog has been down because I’ve been moving blog host – the host is the company who I pay to put my website on their servers. I’ve had a lot of problems with my old host which has made me endlessly frustrated, so I decided maybe it was time to move. Now that I’ve finally done it I can be a lot happier and I have exciting blog news.
I’m having a Queen of Contemporary spring clean at the moment and I am mega excited to show you all the results. Starting Monday, there will be an all new schedule on the blog. I’ll be increasing the number of posts I write each week from three to five because lately I’ve been feeling very limited in what I can post. Hopefully the new schedule will mean lots of great posts!
To help with my spring clean, I’d love it if you could fill as much of this form out as possible!
Other news? I’m in the process of developing lots of blogger events for the next few months. I’m looking forward to sharing everything – the first announcements should be in May.
April Extravaganza is also going on over at Project UKYA at the moment – lots of brilliant authors and bloggers are being featured so check that out!
To round off, have a picture of a guinea pig:
This is Charlie and he’s adorable. He has really fluffy fur and once got angry with me because I moved his box. He wouldn’t stop squeaking at me until I put it back in its correct place. He’s a cutie though!
2 April, 2014 at 6:22 pmTwitter: Bookaholic007
I haven’t been able to blog because my computer has been playing up, so I know how you feel! Adorable guinea pig! 🙂
Kyra recently posted…Exclusive Books Children’s Book Event!
3 April, 2014 at 10:37 amCharlie is such a cutie-pie! Just filled out the form, and it’s great to hear you’re planning on posting more frequently – I’ve missed you!
Maya recently posted…REVIEW: Burn by Julianna Baggott
3 April, 2014 at 11:47 amI’m glad that everything seems to be sorted for you now Lucy, I look forward to reading your upcoming posts and also reading more about Project UKYA, I always seem to miss the chats on twitter 🙁
Jasprit recently posted…Divergent European Premier
Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain
4 April, 2014 at 2:34 amYay I’m filling out the form right now and I can’t wait to see your new changes! 😀
Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain recently posted…March Recap
5 April, 2014 at 7:07 amTwitter: HollyPeckitt
Filled in the form!
I love Charlie! I have a guinea pig as well. She’s called Lily and is a little less fluffy than Charlie x
Holly recently posted…Published in April
Ivana @ BookishTeens
6 April, 2014 at 4:14 pmI am actually just thinking of buying a guinea pig! Sorry, I thought this might be important.
I hope you find a new good server. 🙂 And I’m going to fill out your form right now. Good luck!
Ivana @ BookishTeens
Ivana @ BookishTeens recently posted…Showcase Sunday #2
Alice in Readerland
6 April, 2014 at 9:18 pmIt’s great to have you back and posting, I’m looking forward to seeing more new posts from you. 🙂
I also filled out your survey, and I just have to say that Charlie is so cute!
Alice in Readerland recently posted…Fairy Tale Survey (Part 1)