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My Blogging Manifesto



I, Lucy Powrie, blogger behind Queen of Contemporary, hereby declare that I will…

1. Write with passion

I want to write with full belief in the topic I’m talking about and convey that passion.

2. Share the love

Sharing the blog and book love is one of the things I love most about blogging. It’s why I want to put more of a focus on other blogs that I love and really help to showcase other people. I also want to work hard at commenting on other blogs, and interacting more on Twitter with new people.

3. Banish all resentment

There can be a lot of jealousy in the blogging community and I HATE it! Jealousy is one of the worst things ever and I’ve really managed to stop getting so caught up with other people’s achievements lately, and it’s so freeing!

4. Be weird, be wonderful

I want to share my little quirks and the things that make me “me” because I’m not a perfect person and I don’t want to be!

5. Carry no weight on my shoulders

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’ll probably know just how much I struggle with pressure, and I don’t want to do this anymore, because there’s absolutely no need for it!

6. Inspire, aspire

I want to inspire other people but also be inspired myself.

7. Embrace new opportunities

I want to be adventurous and try out new things because it’s so much fun, and it’s easy to just get used to one thing and stick with it until it’s overdone. This will happen no more!

8. Reflect, reflect, reflect

Reflection is so important to me because it means that you get to evaluate what’s working and what’s not and change it accordingly. It means you’re constantly progressing and working on new ideas, which I think is a fundamental blogging tool to have!

9. Focus on the positives

Negative Lucy, be gone! I can get quite negative sometimes which is a bad blogging formula!

10. Remember your roots

I think it’s important to remember that we all started from 0 followers and, no matter what, you’re just doing this for fun!

I’m hoping that following these will make for a much happier blogging experience, and maybe I’ll do an update post a few months down the line. Wish me luck!

Do you have a blogging manifesto, or any rules you’ve set yourself? Tell me yours!

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  • Reply
    Hazel @ Stay Bookish
    20 August, 2014 at 9:55 am

    Love your manifesto, Lucy! I love your ‘Be weird, be wonderful’ one because I think that’s essentially what our blogs are about- our funny quirks and showing people a special side of us. 🙂 One of my manifestos is also about sharing and spreading the love in the book blogging community! 😀

  • Reply
    Erika @ The Red Bookmark
    20 August, 2014 at 10:13 am

    THIS POST. I LOVE IT! I really want to make The Red Bookmark one of these to keep on the first page of my blogging notebook.
    Erika @ The Red Bookmark recently posted…TTT (6): Books That I MUST ReadMy Profile

  • Reply
    20 August, 2014 at 5:04 pm

    I love this! I especially love ‘be weird,be wonderful’, something we could definitely use in everyday life! And the roots one because there might be some resentment or jealously but we did all start from nothing and that’s important to remember 🙂

  • Reply
    20 August, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    I think this is a lovely little manifesto and best of luck sticking with it. I hope it works out for you, because I think it is a really good one to have.
    Liv_TheAbsentHistorian recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday #2My Profile

  • Reply
    Finley Jayne
    20 August, 2014 at 7:21 pm

    Love this idea, I may have to put one together for myself 😀
    Finley Jayne recently posted…And Now for a Brief Interlude…..Cats that Can’t JumpMy Profile

  • Reply
    Jesse Owen
    21 August, 2014 at 1:21 pm

    Such a lovely idea and so positive too, good luck with sticking with it 🙂
    Jesse Owen recently posted…Review: Lobsters By Tom Ellen & Lucy IvisonMy Profile

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    Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life
    22 August, 2014 at 1:26 am

    Ahhh, Lucy, I am SO in LOVE with this post!!

    I think sharing the love is so important, but it can really be easily forgotten. I really enjoy leaving comments or Tweeting bloggers to let them know that their content was helpful or swayed my decision of whether I should read a book or not.

    Inspire, aspire has to be my favorite of your list. The simplicity of the saying is just perfect, and it sums up exactly what I want to do with blogging. I want to be an inspiration to others, but I also want to constantly be aspiring to more.

    You’re totally right on your reflecting point. I think that’s often overlooked by bloggers, because a lot of the time, we’re just focused on creating new content and pushing it out to the world. But without reflection, how can we actually improve? That’s not something I really considered before, but now I plan to set some time out each week to reflect on my blog, my progress, and my goals.

    Negativity is something we all struggle with. (I mean, I hope it’s just not us!!) It gets SO easy to get caught up with the stats of other blogs compared to yours, or to start beating yourself up for not getting around to write a post or commenting. But like you said, we all started out doing this because we had a love for books and wanted to blog, and we always have to keep that in mind.

    AMAZING post, Lucy!! I hope you’re able to always stick to these. <3
    Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life recently posted…Waiting On Wednesday (57)My Profile

    • Reply
      9 March, 2017 at 1:14 pm

      Simply wanna tell that this is very helpful , Thanks for taking your time to write this. &#ouh0;T282gh thou has never so many counselors, yet do not forsake the counsel of your soul.” by John Ray.

  • Reply
    22 August, 2014 at 10:53 am


    I was just nodding my head throughout. 🙂 Especially “inspire, aspire” – I want to be inspired by other bloggers so I can then, in turn, go onto inspire other bloggers myself. Also, “be weird, be wonderful” is PERFECT because originality is something all bloggers need to strive for. 🙂

    Amazing post Lucy (although, let’s be honest, what else was I to expect for you? ;D)
    Ruby recently posted…BOOK HAUL: August 2014My Profile

    • Reply
      9 March, 2017 at 11:24 am

      If you wrote an article about life we’d all reach enhneltgiment.

  • Reply
    24 August, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    I kind of love this idea! I don’t really have a manifesto, or a set of rules I like to blog by, but I particularly like your last point: ‘remember your roots’. It’s something you easily forget about, we all started from scratch back in the day and we all fell in love with the same community.
    Iris recently posted…What’s up with the Silence on IrisjeXx?My Profile

  • Reply
    25 August, 2014 at 11:12 am

    I think it’s very important to write with passions and to be yourself. I like it when I hear the voice from the blogger instead of someone trying to force to be someone they are not. And when someone talks about a topic they adore, it shows 🙂
    Mel@thedailyprophecy recently posted…Bout of books Updates.My Profile

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    Rita @ Weaving Pages
    8 September, 2014 at 6:11 pm

    Lucy, I LOVE THIS! I think all bloggers should follow this- the blogoversary would be a happier place! 🙂
    Rita @ Weaving Pages recently posted…My TBR Pile..My Profile

    • Reply
      9 March, 2017 at 1:17 pm

      The difference between a ‘working girl’ and a ‘courtesan’ appears to be determined solely by the amount each demands for services rendered. And there are those who assure us that &#i210;everyth8ng„ has a price . . . even integrity. So, U of I, are you a courtesan? When Wellmark determines that the school’s name should not be “School of Public Health” but “School of Corporate Health” . . . how much will you charge for that? Or will you have already ceded any future authority by accepting the current “grant?”

  • Reply
    Lucy Coats
    17 November, 2014 at 11:29 pm

    This is how it should be – fantastic post, and words to live by too. I like this manifesto VERY much, Lucy. 🙂
    Lucy Coats recently posted…COMING SOON: The Little Green Drum (Early Reader)My Profile

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    9 March, 2017 at 8:42 am

    Servus Leute,schön erklärtes Tutorial. Für mich als Linux-Dau genau richtig.Meinen ersten RasPi nutz ich mit RaspBMC für Filme und den Zweiten hatte ich vor als eigene Cloud (als Ersatz für Dropbox) zu nutzen.Hat jemand schon Erfahrungen mit anderen Kombinationen gemacht (OS usw.) welche schneller sind?Danke noch mal für dieses schöne Tut. Werd ich demnächst mal ausprobieren.Noch nen schönen Woteananfang.MFGKerschn

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