At the start of 2013, I wrote this post about my New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve never made resolutions before but I liked the idea of doing it and I think it really motivated me to do something and start the year on a positive note. I’ll definitely be making more this year.
‘I would really like to reach 200 followers by the end of the year, possibly more.’
I did it! I reached 200 Google Friend Connect followers before I moved to WordPress, and I’ve passed 250 Bloglovin’ followers so I’m doing so well. I’m not as obsessed with my follower count as I used to be and so I don’t check it every day or anything. I’m getting to the stage where I just like blogging and don’t want the pressures. I’m so pleased though! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who followed! (And if you haven’t, links are in the sidebar. I’m watching you 😉 )
‘I would like to get better at organising posts as I am terrible at it! I need to start scheduling more, as some days I don’t post at all!’
I totally aced this resolution, I think! I’ve been posting pretty regularly (excluding the last few months of this year) and even posted every day for around two months. Looking back, I have no idea how I did it. Overall, I think I did really well on this resolution and I almost always post ahead now.
‘I really want to get better at commenting more on other blogs.’
Again, excluding the last few months, I’ve done really well on this resolution. I like to comment on posts but sometimes I do go overboard and comment on millions at a time and then I get stressed when I only comment on one hundred thousand 😉 I will, though, be relaxing this in 2014 because I still want to comment, but maybe not as excessively.
‘I want to start analysing the books I read better.’
I’d say I’ve been doing this pretty well. I’d like to think so, anyway. I think my reviews have improved greatly since 2012 and so I’m pleased with myself.
First of all, don’t attack the caps lock button, 2012 Lucy! Second of all, I DID, 2012 LUCY! I DID! This year I’ve met SO MANY bloggers who have all been so lovely. Meeting new bloggers is always great and I can’t wait to meet even more of you next year.
‘I would like to receive more review copies.’
I’m in contact with quite a few publishers now which is great but I wish I hadn’t gone so crazy with requesting. Sometimes I can forget about the reading and reviewing part.
‘I have set my reading target to 100 [books]’
Yay! I did it! I upped my target once I’d passed 100 and finally set it to 155 books which I passed at the start of December. I’m very, very, very pleased with myself. *smug face*
‘I really want to join a book club!’
Ask and you shall receive, 2012 Lucy! I joined one for a while but didn’t enjoy it at all (we didn’t even talk about books!) and so started going to one at my local library which I love. It’s a monthly occurrence and I always come home with a massive smile on my face. I also started my own book club which happens weekly and I really love running it and coming up with new ideas.
‘I vow to have read at least one Harry Potter book.’
And I read them all! I loved them so much and can see why everyone raves so much about them. I’ve also watched all of the films except The Deathly Hallows: Part Two.
‘I am going to try and aim to read at least 20 UK YA books.’
‘I want to try and read more historical fiction.’At the time of writing this, I’ve read 55 which is so many more than I wanted to. This makes me very happy indeed!!
I read a bit but not near enough as many as I wanted to read. Oh well!
‘I also want to try to read more classics.’
I don’t think I’ve read a single one… Does a quarter of one count?
‘I want to try and write more!’
I’ve started going to fortnightly writing squad meets which gives me the kick up the bum I need to write and I also wrote 12,000 words for NaNoWriMo this year. Success!
‘I would like to go to a few literary events this year.’
I went to an awful lot this year. Woop!
‘I really want to try and expand my vocabulary.’
I’m not sure about this one. Possibly? I can’t really tell.
I want to stop using words such as ‘like’.
I think, like, this one has, like, definitely gone, like, well. Right, like? 😉