Hi! I’m Lucy and I’m both a blogger and a booktuber. I’ve wanted to write this post for a while now and, okay, there will be people who disagree but please hear me out!
There have been tensions between the blogging and booktube community for a while now. I’ve noticed the strain between the two, and I know I’m not the only one.
Booktubing is a relatively new phenomenon, only cropping up in the last few years, whereas blogs have been going for a lot longer. Both attract different audiences, booktubers usually with the larger audience, with some booktubers having over 50,000 + subscribers. That doesn’t mean, though, that one is superior.
WE ARE BOTH TRYING TO DO THE SAME THING. We both love books, we both talk about books, and, other than the medium, we really do do it in the same way.
When bloggers and booktubers fall out, the faithful readers and watchers are the ones that suffer. Nobody wants drama, y’all. Unity in the community! WE ARE EQUALS, NOT ENEMIES.
The bridge needs to be gapped between the two, and I have an idea!
What I’m proposing is a regular chat – on both YouTube, Twitter and blogs so that everyone can join in – readathons that include both booktubers and bloggers, and projects that mean both groups work together to spread the word about awesome books. Projects will be announced soon, but here is the first announcement for now:
I’ll be putting together a panel of people to do a book lover liveshow in June, and if you’re a blogger or booktuber, I’d love to welcome you to the panel! There will be an equal amount of bloggers and booktubers on the panel and the conversation will also be happening on Twitter and will be transcribed to a blog for bloggers to join in with. There will be something for everyone – we’ll be discussing things both mediums have in common so nobody will be left out, and it will be an awful lot of fun. We’ll be playing games about BOOKS, discussing organisation and tips for new bloggers and booktubers.
Nurture the newbies who will one day have to welcome new people to the community. Set a good example rather than just falling out and being all drama-ish.
With bloggers and booktubers joined together, we’ll be able to reach so many more people than if we work separately. More book lovers = more people to be friends with!
More details to be revealed soon!
(If you’d like to be a part of the liveshow panel (bloggers and booktubers, no matter who you are!), you can email me at contemporaryqueen@outlook.com with your details and why you’d like to be on the panel.)
And now, on a lighter note, you can see me make a fool of myself right here:
28 May, 2014 at 9:53 pmI think this is an awesome idea! I personally don’t do booktubing because I don’t feel comfortable talking to a camera and then uploading it. I prefer to express my love for books by writing my thoughts down. But both activities are about the same.
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Tilly @ Hardcore Heroines
28 May, 2014 at 9:55 pmYOYOYOYOYO LUCY MY MAIN MAN. You’re always coming up with awesome ideas! I want to be involved in this so much! Shall I send you an email??
Tilly @ Hardcore Heroines recently posted…Top Tips: Buying Books without Breaking the Bank {IMA BACK GUYS}
EM @ Books and Iced Coffee
29 May, 2014 at 2:00 amThis is such an awesome idea! Way to go! Count me in! I’ll be sending you an email soon 😀
EM @ Books and Iced Coffee recently posted…Book Review: Stargirl By Jerry Spinelli
Emma @ Mab is Mab
29 May, 2014 at 9:19 am*applauds* I’m really new to discovering booktubers online (I never had much time to watch videos before, but read blogs on the bus) but I love both types of book loving! Your post and idea is excellent 🙂 I really look forward to seeing it grow 🙂
Emma @ Mab is Mab recently posted…The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult – review
29 May, 2014 at 12:22 pmHOW DOES YOUR HEAD COME UP WITH THESE AMAZING IDEAS?! It baffles me!
I am also VERY passionate about uniting these two communities. I actually might write a RE post, just to express my own views and the such on the matter! Sometimes I really do feel the book blogging community is undervalued by the booktubing community, and we don’t need that kind of feeling going around! WE ALL MUST BECOME BESTIES! Then the world will be full of sunshine, rainbows, cookies and unicorns.
By panel do you mean liveshow? I’m a *little* confused. But, I will happily be a blogging correspondent you may call on for help at any time! ;P
Rachel recently posted…The Warner Bros. Studio Tour!
29 May, 2014 at 1:20 pmThis the best idea! It sucks there’s such a divide between each community when really we all love the same thing. It seems cliques will always form wherever you go and it’s sad to see it fall into the bookish community as well. I’m looking forward to this collaborative panel thing! Sounds exciting!!!
Francoise recently posted…{Review} Split Second by Kasie West
30 May, 2014 at 2:52 pmI’ve been making Booktube videos for a while now, and just recently started blogging. I thought the idea of combining these two things would be really neat.
People will always have their preferences and I definitely noticed that the vlogging and blogging community is pretty separated. I feel like the book community would be even more awesome if this separation isn’t as present as much as it is now.
Maaikeve recently posted…The Selection | Book Review
Finley Jayne
30 May, 2014 at 9:41 pmI didn’t even know book tubing was a thing, I feel really old right now :p Love your idea: when it comes down to it, it’s about our love of reading and promoting good books and authors-who cares what format we prefer using to do that, as long as we’re doing something 🙂
Just found your blog and I’m now following through bloglovin 🙂
Finley Jayne recently posted…{Blogish Chat} To Meme or Not To Meme, That is the Question
30 May, 2014 at 11:16 pmAs a newer book blogger I’d like to share my thoughts. 3 years back I found out about Booktube and really enjoyed watching everybody’s videos on books. I never had intentions on blogging or making videos. Ever.The Booktube community inspired me and I also found out about all the awesome blogs last week. I have decided to quit both however.
In my opinion if you have not been blogging or making videos for a long time most will not even have a conversation with you. I made my blog to make friends and connect with other readers. It’s not numbers that bother me its that it’s like high school all over again. It’s ridiculous because many, not all, are adults. The truth is there are so many involved with both that competitiveness is ruining what could be a great thing.
The moral of this is you all should not forget about the less seasoned bloggers and Booktubers. More than likely they are your most followed. It would not kill you to respond back to them on twitter, youtube, or on your blog in the comments. My problem with the community is the people who hold a better than you attitude. Look around MANY are becoming like this. All the drama is ridiculous. You want to connect with readers and talk about books? Take the time to answer the ones who already follow instead of doing things like this to widen the gap. My opinion. I am prepared to take the heat.
30 May, 2014 at 11:18 pmSorry I meant I found blogs last year not week.
13 June, 2014 at 7:58 pmI’ve made my entrance in the blogtubing world last month and I like to incorporate vlogs into my blog. I’ll always be a blogger, because I’m must more comfortable and easy when it comes to writing, but it’s like you said: we all want the same. I don’t get all the tension.
Mel@thedailyprophecy recently posted…Review 265. Lisa Ann O’Kane – Essence.
Jessica (The Book Bratz)
17 June, 2014 at 5:32 pmThis seems like an awesome idea! Definitely interested. Just shot you an email 🙂
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