
British Books Challenge 2013

This year the British Books Challenge is being hosted by Sarah at Feeling Fictional. I wasn’t fortunate enough to participate in 2012 but I’m feeling quite confident for 2013.
Being British myself I’m looking forward to reading more UKYA books as most of the books I read are set in the US and I don’t know the settings as well. I’m also hoping to read a lot of historical fiction in 2013 as it’s something I am interested in.
You can find a record of all the books I have read towards the challenge here.

If you have any suggestions for books I would love to hear them! 

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    9 December, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    I sooo need to join this book challenge! I know what you mean the amount of US YA books I read is huuuuuge! I don’t think I know a book that I have read recently that is not a US author! :/ That’s bad! :/ Me thinks I will join this challenge for next year…

    If I was suggest a book by a UK author it would definitely By Midnight by Mia James! I love her books and the second one is called Darkness Falls!

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