
UKYA FORTNIGHT: Supporting UKYA Authors

Today a few amazing  bloggers will be sharing with you ways in which you can help support UKYA authors.
Rachael from Rachael Reviews All:
The only thing I can really say to that is to buy, read, and share. The internet is full of many nations, and now is the time for UKYA to really travel overseas. I’m also saying this as an aspiring British author, who will want to get her work out there. Supporting UKYA will allow new British talent to shine through.
With the sheer volume of YA that comes out of the States, UKYA sometimes gets lost in the fray. As part of the UKYA community we need to support our authors and their books and try and give them as much publicity as possible. Highlighting books that come out of the UK is a brilliant way to do that, try hosting themed weeks like yourself or taking part in the British Books Reading Challenge that has been hosted over the last few years. We’re a great community who is happy to come together to support UKYA.
Lisa from The Book Column:
The UKYA community is thriving if we just take a second to look. As readers it is so easy to get caught up in the hype of the next big book to hit our shelves. It’s so easy to be blinkered by the big international names and forget to even look at the delights that are right underneath our noses. There are an abundance of amazing UKYA authors and we should all spend a little time seeking them out, reading their work and supporting them wholeheartedly. I mean, why wouldn’t we do that? Do you even know if your town has a local YA author (be it indie or not!) that you can support? Authors reply upon people reading their books and championing them – because no matter how hard a marketing team work, you cannot beat word of mouth. You cannot beat individual recommendations. You cannot beat the impact a book blogger can have on influencing book sales… and if you have your very own UKYA author sitting half a mile away working themselves into the ground trying to make a name for themselves – why wouldn’t you want to use your influence and ability to support that? We all covet the autographed copies of the works of Cassie Clare, or Stephenie Meyer, or Suzanne Collins – but you could have an author with an amazing novel sitting in the next town to you. Seek them out. Offer your services. Help a UKYA author to become the next big thing because, you never know, thanks to you, somewhere down the line people could be coveting their autographed works too!
I think it’s quite simple…read it! Read it, review it, tweet about it, talk about it, just get your opinions out there! The UKYA community is so fantastic, and it doesn’t always get the recognition it truly deserves, so the more people that talk about UKYA, the stronger and more vocal the community will get.

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  • Reply
    27 July, 2013 at 8:38 am

    This is a great post! I know I sometimes forget about the wonderful UKYA authors and it’s a real shame but I think I’m going to try and support more of them from now on! US authors receive so much publicity so it’s hard not be drawn in but I definitely agree that we should all make more of an effort to seek their books out and give them a read!

    Thanks for sharing, Lucy!

  • Reply
    27 July, 2013 at 12:43 pm

    Such great opinions in this post. I hate that I haven’t read much UKYA, there’s so much promo on the US authors that I automatically buy them but so many UK authors have come to my attention now with this series! I love it!

  • Reply
    Rachel (Booktastic Reviews) :D
    27 July, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    Great advice! I also really hope people from other countries pick up some UKYA books! They should really be more popular! 😀

  • Reply
    Pink Lady 631
    27 July, 2013 at 11:25 pm

    Great Post with some really great advice. The UK has so much talent and it should definatley be celebrated and deserves more attention. I think it’s great that you are helping out and hosting such a fun series of posts, that not only make me want to read more UKYA but help out Australian YA.

    – Sunny @ A Sunny Spot Blog

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    Amber @ The Mile Long Bookshelf
    28 July, 2013 at 10:25 pm

    OOOH WORDPRESS PWETTY *strokes blog* ehem sorry
    Amber @ The Mile Long Bookshelf recently posted…Design Timeline: 2009-2013My Profile

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