I’m a sucker for gorgeous books, I really am. There’s obviously not a problem with this; I do tend to judge books by their covers before I read them, but sometimes something overcomes me and I need to buy more and more copies of books. One is never enough!
If you’ve watched any of my YouTube videos, or seen pictures of my bookcase, you may have noticed some of the multiple copies on my shelves. A question I’m frequently asked is: ‘Why do you have three copies of The Fault in Our Stars?’ That is a very good question indeed. My answer? I have no idea! I just can’t help myself. My first copy was the one I originally read, and I then found another copy in a charity shop for a very good price. I just couldn’t resist! And my final copy was my Grandma’s, which she no longer needed after reading it. I have a best copy, one to lend out, and one I shall be doing something with, which I will tell you all about in a future post.
Recently I also picked up two more of John Green’s books, which I have already read and loved. In my defence, they have been re-jacketed and the new editions are so beautiful and hug-worthy.
The Paper Towns on the left is the older edition, the right the latest. The differences between the two are striking, but I love them both. The earlier version incorporates the idea of the ‘paper towns’ on the maps, whereas I like the paper elements of the latest cover. Both really capture a core part of the book.
The older version of Looking for Alaska is on the left, the latest on the right. I prefer the latest because of it’s simplicity but also because it stands out so well. It’s also very shiny. I do really like the older version, but there’s just something about it that stops me from loving it unconditionally.
A problem I had when I got my new bookcase was if I would be able to fit all of my Stonewylde series into one ‘pod.’ Luckily, they all fit perfectly! This is the series I have the most copies of: in total I have –
3 copies of Magus of Stonewylde
2 copies of Moondance of Stonewylde
2 copies of Solstice at Stonewylde
2 copies of Shadows at Stonewylde
2 copies of Shaman of Stonewylde
The books are my favourite series and have a very special place in my heart. The first three books were originally self-published so have different covers and the content is a little different. I borrowed the first three from the library originally and then bought them when they were published by Orion afterwards, and then I found the first self-published book by chance and was gifted the second and third. The fourth book was originally published in hardback and I also bought it when it came out in paperback, and I have a best of the fifth, and another copy just because it’s my favourite. I’ve met the author, Kit Berry, twice now and so quite a few of my copies are signed, and I must re-read them all soon!
Finally we have the victims to my obsession… Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell!
I originally read an e-ARC in spring 2013 and it immediately became one of my favourite books, and then ordered the US hardback in November because I just couldn’t say no to myself. The US hardback is amazing, and I think I slightly prefer it to the UK paperback, although the paperback contains graphics from Noelle Stevenson, or Gingerhaze, who is behind the cover, and an interview with Rainbow Rowell and bonus Simon Snow content. The paperback is decoration, whereas I know I’ll definitely be re-reading from the hardback, or my e-ARC where I have colour coded everything.
19 February, 2014 at 6:51 amI just can’t have two copies, I feel so guilty because it just seems like such a waste and what if I decide to read the book again and I have like 5 other copies. Which one do I read it? I dunno, I don’t buy books often so I tend to be more reserved when it comes to buying.
Francoise recently posted…{Review} Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
19 February, 2014 at 8:11 amTwitter: HollyPeckitt
Like you I have more than one copy of TFiOS. I have the one that I read back in January 2013 and then last October I found a limited edition red hardback copy which was signed. So I have that as well.
I also have to copies of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because I have my paperback ones that I bought myself and then my auntie gave me her two hardbacks.
I have the UK paperback of Fangirl and as much as I love it the cover dents and bends in a really odd way when you’re reading and I have to pile loads of books on top of it to get the cover flat again…. aagh!
Great post as always xx
Holly recently posted…Perks of Being a Bookworm: Libraries
19 February, 2014 at 10:00 amI try not to buy multiple copies of books, simply because I could use the money to buy one I haven’t read yet instead. However, I do currently own two copies of Pride & Prejudice, two of Wuthering Heights and three of I Capture the Castle… 😉
Maya recently posted…REVIEW: I Heart Beat
Chrissi Reads
19 February, 2014 at 10:22 amTwitter: ChrissiReads
I don’t really have multiple copies of books, except my friend’s books. That’s just because I’m proud of her. I have the hard copy ARCs (for some of them)and finished copies (for all of them!)
Chrissi Reads recently posted…WWW Wednesday #56
19 February, 2014 at 11:25 amI try not to own more than one copy… but, um, well, somehow I wound up with three copies of Wuthering Heights, two copies of More Than This and two copies of Case Histories (really, really recommend the last one). Oh, and obviously I have extra Harry Potter books because, like many others, it basically was my childhood – I even own French editions…
If I had money to, I’d buy all the second editions I could… so yeah, I probably have a multiple copy problem too. 🙂
Ruby recently posted…My Heroines From Literature
Amanda @ Book Badger
19 February, 2014 at 12:26 pmThe only times I ever considering buying books I already again is when the covers have been changed, however, I’m getting over that currently, so I may never buy multiple covers of one book. I don’t know, I find it a waste, especially when I could have bought another book instead. When it comes to special content, I do usually wait for Paperbacks anyway, so I don’t need multiples and I don’t lose out on content. Great post Lucy! 🙂
Amanda @ Book Badger recently posted…Five Friday Favourites #3 – Favourite Couples
19 February, 2014 at 12:53 pmMy double copies of books is quite a collection…Most the times it’s because of the different US and UK covers. It depends on how much I like the book…
A few from the top of my head are:
Angelfall by Susan Ee x3 (I bought a copy when it was self-published and then I got 2 copies when they were handing them out at the Catching Fire Prem)
Divergent (x2 – one of which is in Chinese)Insurgent (x2) and Allegaint (x2) by Veronica Roth
Noble Conflict by Malorie Blackman (x2) (got one from going to an Movellist event for free, and another copy i won)
The Truth About Forever (x2) Just Listen (x2) This Lullaby (x2) and Last Chance (x2 – it’s called Keeping the Moon in America!) by Sarah Dessen
The Maze Runner by James Dashner (x2 – one in Chinese)
The Hunger Games (x2 – one in Chinese)
I actually think I just listed all my double copies XD
Ahaha, great post Lucy 😀 x
Sabrina recently posted…Book Review: Cruel Summer by James Dawson
Jaden @ Booklol16
19 February, 2014 at 2:27 pmSee collect editens my aunt calls me a “book cottlicten” truth that like collcet editon do not like when books get new covers just really get neves go “why can not sitck just on books?”
Jaden @ Booklol16 recently posted…Waiting On Wednesday #4
Rebekah @ Reflections of a Bookworm
19 February, 2014 at 4:51 pmI just love your copy obsession 😀 I’m definitely going to get a copy of the US hardback of Fangirl, it might be a teensy change but I love the layout of the cover with Levi and Cath next to each other!
Rebekah @ Reflections of a Bookworm recently posted…RB Reviews: The Falconer
19 February, 2014 at 7:26 pmI think I have four different editions of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. And I *had* to buy the shiny new versions of The Hunger Games…
19 February, 2014 at 7:32 pmWell I collect Joey Hifi designed covers, so sometimes I’ll buy a book because he did the cover, even if I had another version. I also try and buy final copies of books I have proofs of and loved, although I have space limits, what with all the unread books I also have. I like books as objects as well as the contents, so I completely understand the multiple copies thing.
Ellie recently posted…Win The Book of You!
19 February, 2014 at 8:15 pmHey there.:)
I have multiple copies of The Hobbit (4= 3 in English and 1 Russian), 2 copies of whole The Lord of the Rings series (including The Children of Hurin), 3 copies of Wuthering Heights (1 English, 2 Russian), 2 copies of Pride and Prejudice (and want one more, because cover!).
That’s only few I can remember right now, but I’m sure there are more of them.
I like to have nice covers (and sometimes publishers “do me wrong” and make beautiful covers every year… :/ Also when I want to read or re-read English (original) version of a book I already have in Russian or Ukrainian I might buy a new copy as well.=)
That’s my story.
Anna recently posted…The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein | Little Book Review
Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain
19 February, 2014 at 10:25 pmUgh I would totally get multiple copies of books if I had the money! My mom always tells me not to buy a copy of a book if I already own a copy, but when I see a redesign I’m always tempted because of how pretty the new covers always seem. John Green’s books are totally worth buying more than one copy of, though, because he’s a genius and I especially love the second version of the Looking for Alaska cover. Both Paper Towns covers are so simple and fun, as well. We all know how much you love Fangirl, Lucy 😉 Fangirl’s cover is actually one of my favorite covers in the whole wide world because whenever I see it I want to buy the book, even though I remember not loving it. Ugh I hate pretty book covers for making me feel so conflicted! Haha fantastic post, Lucy! <33
Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain recently posted…Bright Before Sunrise by Tiffany Schmidt
19 February, 2014 at 11:01 pmI don’t own multiple copies of a book, but I wish I did! I understand the appeal of getting different copies of the same book. Sometimes, a book will have incredibly gorgeous covers and I’ll want it in my life. To have it on my bookshelf would be wonderful. However, Money is always an issue, so I can’t buy another copy. If I had a lot, then I’d probably get the books with the covers I absolutely adore like Rainbow Rowell’s books or Vicious by Victoria Schwab. They’re all sooo pretty!
20 February, 2014 at 12:15 pmi hate it when a new book cover comes out and its more gorgeous and amazing than the one i own! i experienced this with the perks of being a wallflower and looking for alaska also! i’m even more tempted when i LOVE the book that’s been re-designed. i share your obsession of wanting to own beautiful covers but the only problem is, i’m running out of room on my bookshelves 🙁
Amy recently posted…FAVOURITE FICTIONAL FEMALES: 5/∞
Kayla Elizabeth
20 February, 2014 at 1:14 pmOccasionally there is a book where I need to have the various different versions of the covers. For example, ‘The Bell Jar’ by Sylvia Plath. I have a few copies of ‘Jane Eyre’… I am trying to think what else… ‘Gone With The Wind’. It is hard for me, too, when a series changes covers and then I feel obligated to get the new ones so the set matches.
Kayla Elizabeth recently posted…Films That Make You Want to Read the Book
Book Blog News {Buttons, GIFs and more…} | Nadia Reads
23 February, 2014 at 8:04 am[…] from Queen of Contemporary wrote about how she has an obsession of having the same books ore than once. As she says, she has […]
Beth (@BethTinkerbell)
20 April, 2014 at 1:15 pmI would love to buy more than one copy of books, and I did almost order a second copy of The Hobbit today, but I just don’t have the space in my book cupboard or the space for an extra book case.
I do have 2 copies of Pride & Prejudice one is my own which matches all of my Jane Austen novels which I got in a boxset. I also have another copy somewhere, which I’m passing onto the charity shop so that someone else can enjoy a bit of Austen. Now that I think about it, I have 4 copes of Wuthering Heights, I have 2 Vintage Classics from when I was studying it at A Level. I also have a Harper Collins Edition which must have been out in the Twilight era as on the front it says it’s Bella and Edwards favourite book. My 4th and final copy is a clothbound one which my Granddad gave me.
Beth (@BethTinkerbell) recently posted…Top 5 YA Kindle Books Under £5
14 September, 2016 at 9:22 amFor some books, it’s almost an absolute must to own more than one copy! For me, it’s usually for the cover’s artwork. I have four copies (a 1960, a 1993, and a 2004 hardback and a 2004 paperback) of To Kill A Mockingbird, not only because it’s my favorite book, but because the covers just sing to me. And I read each of them. (The paperback is the one I usually lend out.) Sometimes it’s like reading a different book, until I open to the first page and read the all too familiar first words “When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.” Then I am whisked down to that sleepy southern town of Macomb, Alabama, during the depression.