
Changes are afoot!

CHANGES ARE COMING. No, not winter. I hope not anyway!

I am a book blogger, which means I read books. I’m supposed to enjoy reading, aren’t I? Lately, though, some of the fun has been sucked out of reading and I think this is due to blogging, and the pressure. Pressure is something that affects me a lot and recently it’s got so that I’ve been considering giving up blogging for good. I put so much work in, and then crumble.

With lots of thinking, I’ve decided there needs to be a change. And a big one.

My blog will no longer be just a book blog, I’m going to use it to document the things I read. This means there will probably be less reviews, and instead I’ll be using more pictures in my posts and just discussing my thoughts. This way, the majority of the books I read get coverage, and I just get to have fun talking about the books I love!

I’m not going to have a blog schedule either – when I’ve read something and want to talk about it, I’ll write a post on it if I choose. I want to make blogging FUN again, with a capital F, U and N. I’m just going to cut down on everything I do because I’ve realised just how much I have been doing in the past, and it’s a lot. Way too much for one person!

It doesn’t mean much change for all of you – in fact, you get the better deal!

I’d like to think of my blog as a safe haven for people who love reading. I’ll be interacting a lot more and replying to blog comments. I’d love to start up some really good conversations, and interaction for me is the one thing I’m going to be concentrating on.

I have quite a few posts planned, and it shall hopefully be starting from tomorrow, with a new post. I’m going to trial it for a month and then assess how things are going, but I’m really hoping it works!

Documenting what I read will hopefully be fun, and it’s hard to explain fully, so you should work it out once I’ve started to write the posts.


As a special present, have a picture of Boris in his cosy!

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  • Reply
    17 May, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    This sounds like a lovely plan (: Hope this will take the pressure of things, and make reading enjoyable again for you
    Celine recently posted…Vlog: Favourite Reads of 2014 – So Far!My Profile

    • Reply
      Lucy Powrie
      17 May, 2014 at 2:57 pm

      Thank you, Celine! I really hope it works! 😀

  • Reply
    17 May, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    “more pictures in my posts” \o/ Posts with pictures in it are my favorites! 😀
    Crini recently posted…Flashback: 04/21/14 – 05/15/14My Profile

    • Reply
      Lucy Powrie
      17 May, 2014 at 2:58 pm

      I love taking pictures too so it’s a win-win situation!

  • Reply
    Jaden Boatnge (Booklol16)
    17 May, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    I have not been bloggging myself are going to think chaneing your name a happy this become genreal blog.
    Jaden Boatnge (Booklol16) recently posted…Author Interview//Emma Shevah///My Profile

  • Reply
    Dan Metcalf
    20 May, 2014 at 1:34 pm

    Cool plan. Never leave us entirely though Lucy!

  • Reply
    Emma Haughton
    20 May, 2014 at 10:54 pm

    This sounds really positive, Lucy. Looking forward to seeing it all!

  • Reply
    24 May, 2014 at 12:43 am

    This sounds fair enough! I’m not a book blogger myself but I really enjoy reading your blog, and it’s inspired me to start reading more! Check out my blog if you like?
    Lamelia recently posted…REVIEW: Lash domination by BareMineralsMy Profile

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