When I first started watching YouTube, around five or six years ago, it would have seemed insane to me that YouTube would become so accessible to so many people (although YouTube accessibility and privilege is a discussion for another day), particularly people like me who didn’t have fancy equipment or didn’t really know how to go about making videos on the Internet.
Vlog Star is the latest YouTube-related product to be released – although it’s worth nothing that it is not associated with either Google or YouTube – and with it comes your own mini-tripod perfect for most smartphones and vlogging guide.
It still amazes me on a daily basis just how big a part YouTube plays in our culture – larger YouTubers are dropped in to every day conversation, book deals, products and projects are announced daily, and still YouTube continues to grow. With YouTube now emerging outside of our screens, I think Vlog Star is a great tool to encourage a new wave of talent, especially for those people not wanting to invest large amounts of money into a product.
The booklet contains information on starting up on YouTube and also has sections that have been written by successful YouTubers, such as Charlie McDonnell and Estée Lalonde, which is useful information to have in one place and for use whenever you may need it.
That being said, £12.99 is a lot of money to pay for information that could be found for free on the Internet and for a tripod that is not of high quality. Whilst it may appeal to teens, it may not appeal to the parents who will be buying it for them.
Vlog Star is available to buy here
This is not a sponsored post. I received Vlog Star for free in exchange for an honest review, but all opinions are my own.
1 Comment
Elly Camron
15 January, 2021 at 3:57 amThanks for sharing