
Embracing My Inner Geek (1)

Embracing My Inner Geek is a new weekly post to be featured on Queen of Contemporary and one that I am looking forward to writing. I created it so that I have an excuse to geek out once a week on the blog without people thinking I’m weird! This week I’m posting it on Friday because I have my Dead Romantic blog stop on Sunday, the day that I will be posting on from next week. 
I’m very excited to be posting this feature for the first time and have a lot of plans for future posts.
According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of ‘nerd’ is:
Nerd:  ‘An ‘individual’, i.e. a person who does not conform to society’s beliefs that all people should follow trends and do what their peers do. Often highly intelligent but socially rejected because of their obsession with a given subject, usually computers.’

If I’m honest, this describes me perfectly. I believe that we should all be unique. This is the reason why I refuse to buy anything from Superdry or Hollister because I like to be original. I don’t have anything against people that wear those brands but when there are so many people that wear the same thing I find it a little bit annoying. The socially rejected part is also true, in part. I do have a close group of friends but we’re not considered ‘cool’ enough to be in the popular in-crowd. This is fine with me but I know some people who crave popularity. The obsession part is also extremely true. I don’t like books that much, do I?!

Above is a picture of the Geek Girl badge that I received from HarperCollins at the start of the week. Since receiving them I have worn it to school every day and have gotten quite a few comments! Two of my other friends also wear them and I find people’s reactions so interesting. I’ve been asked why I’m wearing it by people who sound incredulous. I’ve also been asked if being a geek is cool because, if so, then that means the person who asked is cool.
I don’t think being a geek or nerd is something to be ashamed of. In fact, I am very proud of it. Like I say, ‘wear your geekery like a badge.’ Literally, in this sense.

I’d really like to hear your feedback on my new feature in the comments box and it would be really appreciated. Do you think being a nerd or geek is a bad thing? 

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  • Reply
    8 February, 2013 at 3:46 am

    Ooh great idea Lucy! We all need to have our fangirl moments right? And if it’s not going to be in a review (which usually are professional) THEN WHY NOT IN ITS OWN FEATURE?

    Cant wait to see your posts!

  • Reply
    Bookaholic 007
    8 February, 2013 at 8:25 am

    Brilliant post, Lucy! I absolutely love the geek badge! 😀

  • Reply
    Pink Lady 631
    8 February, 2013 at 8:58 am

    Woo go Geeks. I am absolutley the biggest Geek but I am proud and I love this new feature. Great Idea

  • Reply
    Rebekah Campbell
    8 February, 2013 at 5:29 pm

    I think we all know that geekdom is the place everybody wants to be 😉
    Great feature, Lucy, looking forward to seeing your future fangirly moments 😀

  • Reply
    8 February, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    I have those badges too! I’ve been thinking about my inner-geek all week after reading Geek Girl. I think being a geek is a good thing(an amazing thing) but I hate that people get picked on for it. We could start a trend-wearing Geek badges all the time. And what is the problem with being smart? I love being able to answer questions and do well in school. Great post!

  • Reply
    Nina @ Death Books and Tea
    8 February, 2013 at 7:03 pm

    Being a nerd (calling myself that, because of my love for John Green)is cool! Looking forwards to this feature and seeing what you come up with. DFTBA!

  • Reply
    Jessica Prosper
    9 February, 2013 at 2:11 pm

    I love this! I have been considered a geek/nerd all my life, but I wear it proudly now. I wish I had worn it proudly while in school. Good for you!!
    Looking forward to reading more of this in the weeks to come.
    Jess @ FueledbyFiction

  • Reply
    Zoe Crook
    9 February, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    OMG! This is such a brilliant idea for a post, Lucy! I am a fellow geek girl too, I’d much rather be a book nerd than a popular person. I need that badge to show off my geekiness… do you think Harper Collins will accept if I request one? ;P
    I can’t wait for more of these posts! Wear your badge proud 😀

  • Reply
    Jessica Prosper
    10 February, 2013 at 9:48 pm

    Is this going to be a meme?

  • Reply
    15 February, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    Love this. Hope to see more geekiness soon 🙂

    ..but I don’t think you should block yourself off from things or brands or stores thinking that you won’t be ‘original’ I think you can be your lovely, geeky self no matter what you’re wearing. Even if every other person and their mother is wearing Hollister. Or whatever. I think thinking that like too much pushes people into a social heirarchy that resembles popularity except labelled ‘geekiness’

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